Surya Shakti
Fire up the Sun within
Surya means “Sun,” and Shakti means “Energy”. Surya Shakti is a complete process, which is largely physical in nature. If you do 108 cycles of Surya Shakti, it will make you fit and you will not need any other form of exercise.
Surya Shakti enriches your life in many ways:
Brings about physical fitness and overall wellbeing
Makes the sinews and ligaments of the body strong
Increases mental alertness and focus
Creates a basis for one to move into higher states of energy
Increases physical strength & stamina
Realigns the musculo-skeletal system
Increases energy levels
More about Surya Shakti
When we say Surya, we are talking about the Sun which is the basic powerhouse of the planet. Life on the planet is solar powered, including human system. Surya Shakti is a way of using that energy. It does wonders for your health, as well as your physical and mental wellbeing.
Surya Shakti builds the physical body – it makes the sinews and ligaments of your body strong. In Yoga, we give importance to the sinews that hold the skeletal system and the whole body together. When we do any yogic practice, which is physical in nature, the focus is mainly to strengthen those, not to pump up your muscles. Strengthening the sinews of the body is what will endure for a long time and keep you well. Surya Shakti does this in a tremendous way.
Surya Shakti benefits
There is complete expansion and contraction of all lobes of the lungs causing emptying of lungs and refilling.
This causes better ventilation resulting in better gas exchange at the cellular level causing revitalization and rejuvenation of the cells keeping the cells healthy.
Capacity of the lungs increases over a period of time.
Improves functioning of the heart causing better circulation resulting in better blood supply to vital organs.
This causes nourishment of all cells.
The cardiac muscles are strengthened and the blood vessels of the heart, the coronary arteries, are stimulated to multiply, improving circulation and reducing the chances of heart attack.
It also helps with blood vessel diseases and general fatigue and causes a sense of overall sense of well being.
About 50-60% of the muscles are generally inactive. 95% to 97% of your muscles are switched on to active mode causing strengthening of the muscles.
Joints are better lubricated resulting in healthy joints.
Flexibility of the body happens.
Stretching of muscles take place with strengthening of the joints and ligaments.
Its practice makes the spine and waist flexible.
It is designed to stretch, tone and realign the musculoskeletal structures, slowly reinforcing better posture and health and reintegrating better total body function through this realignment.
As a result of the above, posture and balance improves.
Promotes sleep.
It increases concentration, memory, learning and focusing ability and vigilance.
Brings about a great emotional balance and reduces anxiety.
The whole nervous system is stimulated.
All the nerves are stretched, toned and stimulated.
This in turn results in better functioning of the organs connected by the nerves.
The brain also gets stimulated.
Improved circulation to the spine also takes place.
If there are any questions or doubts regarding the practices or upcoming sessions, please get in touch with us via the ‘Contact us’ page.